Thursday, June 25, 2009

I just believe that somehow it wasn't meant for me...

I removed my high heels. I chucked it into my bag and with bare feet, I continue riding. I had not meant to ride my bicycle home, but he had asked me, "are you taking your bicycle?" and I said "Yes". In that moment, my mind had been made up. I would not want to come here again.

I cycled through the part of the city I knew so well. I took the "short cut" and in no time, I was at the station. It was empty. I took out my ipod and listened to some music. Madonna.

Two girls and a man walked past. With a dog. The man in black leather smiled at me. I did not smile back.

I got to my stop. It was five minutes past twelve. The next bus was seven minutes past twelve. I decided to leave my bicycle at the station and take the bus home.

I entered the lift. There was a black man singing. I recognized the songs. Christian songs, those ones that never ends, they just go into one another like the ones they play on radio in Onitsha...

I sang the ending with him...he sang "blessed be thy name" and in the end, I said "thy name of the Lord". He smiled at me and asked, "are you christian?" I nodded.

I did not tell him I was Nigerian too. In one of his hands, he had a big plastic bag containing plastic bottles. He had been out collecting bottles in the night. You get money when you recycle them.

He sang until the bus came. We both got off at the last stop. Then I remembered this line, "I just believe that somehow it wasn't meant for me"...

Then I went to bed.


Rita said...

This is one of my favourite songs...

Lost at The End said...

the story touch me sha.

africa entertainment plus sports said...

What's on your mind ?

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