Sunday, July 28, 2024

I am here.

This is hard. To blog. I promised YOU I would so here I am, trying to write something worthwhile. I haven't written in this space in so many years...  

My sister is with me. She has arrived with her teenage son to help me with a task I find incredibly daunting. Packing a suitcase. First, she goes off into some sort of speech about just taking everything I have in the suitcase because one never knows what one needs. I don't want to take everything. Are you going to help or not? She finally begins with the process while I sit back and do nothing. She has some sort of idea of 4 dresses, two shorts and a t-shirt. 

Her teenage son is sleeping like he hasn't slept for a hundred years. We were all talking and then in a second he was off! What had he done all day that he could sleep so non nonchalantly like that? My sister was not surprised to see me get my laptop. 

"You are going to write and I am going to watch tiktok" she said, not at all ashamed of her declaration.  

So here I am, with my laptop, thinking about what to write. You know, I did not want our conversation to end yesterday yet I know, one can't just keep talking and talking and talking...

Or can we?


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