Thursday, October 29, 2009

Not my fault...I am just cool like that...

Okay, so I buy a bag of onions, socks, mascara, underwear, vitamin c, painkillers, alcohol, face cream and 2 mangoes. Thats just me baby, I am cool like that. You just go ahead and do your own normal shopping, don't sweat it, we can't all be cool...hehehehehehehe


AliceDCL said...


Fragilelooks said...

U shop like dat? A bag of Onions,r u making onion soup?

Patrice said...

Your shopping list looks a hangover and a desperate attempt to cure it. Can't fool me . . . I am just cool like that.

Waffarian said...

@Fragile looks: what can you cook without onions? I just feel good knowing that I have onions...without onions, I am lost.

@Patrice: How have you been? Of course I can't fool you...