Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Trippy writing...

Uhuh...yep, that's right. Its 12:09 on a Tuesday and I am on another level...don't blame me, bob does it for me...

What I am thinking about...

How are you feeling?: Damn trippy!

So, you are happy?: Am I? Is this what happiness is?

Maybe you are just high: On life?

You are not in love, are you?: With who?

Oh, okay, maybe you are in love with yourself! You are feeling pretty cool with yourself, aren't you? Thinking you are all that?: Yep! I am super cool!

Is that how you feel?: I am pretty cool, I am telling you...

I think this is what is called "not giving a shit": You mean this style of writing?

Yep, its fucking ridiculous! Stop writing like you are on crack!: Ok!


misspumping said...

yes o
you dont send anybody
you dont owe anybody
you just got one life to
and you shall choose how to live it yourself

Anonymous said...

Who is d conversation with by the way? the little voice in ya head?
Stay high!

Waffarian said...

@misspumping: Yep!how have you been? been ages! hope you are good!

@Kr: hehehehhe, you know...

Myne said...

A little tripping is always good, you sound happy. :):)