Okay, so I buy a bag of onions, socks, mascara, underwear, vitamin c, painkillers, alcohol, face cream and 2 mangoes. Thats just me baby, I am cool like that. You just go ahead and do your own normal shopping, don't sweat it, we can't all be cool...hehehehehehehe
Thursday, October 29, 2009
Wednesday, October 28, 2009
P Square, I swear, I don't mind...

A waffy day...(winter time day, whatever)
Mmmmmmmmmm, what a restful night, so peaceful...drinking cocoa at night really helps...and this blanket feels so cozy today...Mmmmmmm. I am sure its just 6:00, imagine, I'll have at least 45 minutes of good cozy sleep...Mmmmmmm, but I'll just check the time, just in case....F U C K!!!!Its 8 o'clock! 8!!!! Oooooooooooooooooooooooooohhhhh, shit, shit, shit....okay, okay, calm down...no need to panic, all can be fixed...can be fixed, can be fixed...okay, first, sit on toilet...pee, while peeing, ring boss...hope he can't hear pee in background...who cares? fuck fuck, fuck...
"Oh hello? Hi, yeah, this is waffy...yeah, I am gonna be late...yeah...very, very late..."
SHIT! an hour and 20 mins late! who does that? ME!no no, this is no fault of mine, that fucking mobile phone, what happened to the alarm? I don't remember putting it off...Jeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeez...if I am lucky, I'll get the 8:29 train...if I am lucky...hail mary, full of grace, the Lord is with thee....
Okay, breathe in, breathe out, no need to panic, no time for shower, put on clothes....oh, perfect! clothes from last night left in a pile by the door...I am too cool, super cool, everything right there on the floor, even socks...damn, i am good, okay, deodorant, spray, spray, hair brush, okay, jacket, keys, off you you go...
Now, marching song, 1, 2, 1, 2, no, no, 1, 2, is not working, better to do 1, 2, 3, 4, 1, 2, 3, 4...I remember when I was a soldier, I remember when I was a soldier, I remem....Jeeeeeeeeeeeeez, waffy....are you for real?
Ah, station in sight, time to break into a jog...just in case train is nearby...one never knows...but with my luck, I'll miss it just as I get there, better jog than be sorry...
1, 2, 1, 2, 1, 2, 1,2...
WHY ON EARTH IS THE CLOCK IN THE STATION JUST 7:25??? and mine says 8:25? what the hell is going on????
Something is wrong, something is very wrong...what is going on?????????????
I'll ask handsome man...
"Yeah, excuse me, I am a bit confused...is this clock one hour behind???ohhhhh wait....last night was not the night, they take the clock backwards is it? like winter time shit?"
"Indeed! it was last night...you did not change your clock?
"Of course not! who knows these things?"
Okay...at least I am not an hour and 20 mins late...just 20 mins late...but still...20 mins late....jeez...
I need some coffee, fuck it.
For more waffy days, see here, here and here
"Oh hello? Hi, yeah, this is waffy...yeah, I am gonna be late...yeah...very, very late..."
SHIT! an hour and 20 mins late! who does that? ME!no no, this is no fault of mine, that fucking mobile phone, what happened to the alarm? I don't remember putting it off...Jeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeez...if I am lucky, I'll get the 8:29 train...if I am lucky...hail mary, full of grace, the Lord is with thee....
Okay, breathe in, breathe out, no need to panic, no time for shower, put on clothes....oh, perfect! clothes from last night left in a pile by the door...I am too cool, super cool, everything right there on the floor, even socks...damn, i am good, okay, deodorant, spray, spray, hair brush, okay, jacket, keys, off you you go...
Now, marching song, 1, 2, 1, 2, no, no, 1, 2, is not working, better to do 1, 2, 3, 4, 1, 2, 3, 4...I remember when I was a soldier, I remember when I was a soldier, I remem....Jeeeeeeeeeeeeez, waffy....are you for real?
Ah, station in sight, time to break into a jog...just in case train is nearby...one never knows...but with my luck, I'll miss it just as I get there, better jog than be sorry...
1, 2, 1, 2, 1, 2, 1,2...
WHY ON EARTH IS THE CLOCK IN THE STATION JUST 7:25??? and mine says 8:25? what the hell is going on????
Something is wrong, something is very wrong...what is going on?????????????
I'll ask handsome man...
"Yeah, excuse me, I am a bit confused...is this clock one hour behind???ohhhhh wait....last night was not the night, they take the clock backwards is it? like winter time shit?"
"Indeed! it was last night...you did not change your clock?
"Of course not! who knows these things?"
Okay...at least I am not an hour and 20 mins late...just 20 mins late...but still...20 mins late....jeez...
I need some coffee, fuck it.
For more waffy days, see here, here and here
Saturday, October 24, 2009
I wonder who she is...
The man kept screaming, kept at it. The whole train journey. He was screaming at an empty chair. Having an angry conversation with the empty seat. He was perhaps schizophrenic or perhaps he just had tourettes, I do not know, but it scared me. Scared me so much so, that I moved to another wagon. I sat beside a woman. She turned as I sat down, and smiled at me.
"He is talking to himself", I said. I don't know what I expected from her, for her to smile in amusement or fear...I really do not know, but I did not expect to hear what she said next.
"Imagine how tough he must have it" she replied, smiling at me. She was beautiful. Her smile was so serene and...quiet. A beautiful, serene, quiet smile."I wonder what he is saying"...that beautiful smile again...
"Life is not that easy" I said, feeling ashamed that I had not put myself in the poor man's shoes, and now looking down at my own shoes, feeling stupid...
She looked at me...in my eyes she could see what I wanted to say..."he has it so much tougher than I do"...thats what my eyes said...
She put one hand over mine,
"It is not easy for anybody" she said. She smiled again and as she got up to leave the train, I knew she would say good bye, I knew she would say something.
"Have a nice day" she said.
I don't know why she affected me so, a complete stranger. Her beauty, her smile, her empathy for an old man...
I wonder who she is...
"He is talking to himself", I said. I don't know what I expected from her, for her to smile in amusement or fear...I really do not know, but I did not expect to hear what she said next.
"Imagine how tough he must have it" she replied, smiling at me. She was beautiful. Her smile was so serene and...quiet. A beautiful, serene, quiet smile."I wonder what he is saying"...that beautiful smile again...
"Life is not that easy" I said, feeling ashamed that I had not put myself in the poor man's shoes, and now looking down at my own shoes, feeling stupid...
She looked at me...in my eyes she could see what I wanted to say..."he has it so much tougher than I do"...thats what my eyes said...
She put one hand over mine,
"It is not easy for anybody" she said. She smiled again and as she got up to leave the train, I knew she would say good bye, I knew she would say something.
"Have a nice day" she said.
I don't know why she affected me so, a complete stranger. Her beauty, her smile, her empathy for an old man...
I wonder who she is...
Monday, October 12, 2009
Dicks as baits...
Well, there is no question in my mind when I say that the penis is a powerful thing. I have always believed that many women substitute sex in the bedroom for the idea of love. A man touches you here and there, kisses you, holds you, licks you, and in that moment, you are loved...you now believe, surely, this must be love, why else would he touch you the way he did? why else would he give it to you, this way, that way, and all other ways? Of course he loves, and you now think this kind of love will go on outside the bedroom too...WRONG!!! Men have the stone cold ability to differentiate SEX from LOVE. To them, sex is just sex. You are dreaming if you think his abilities in the bedroom will somehow go over into other areas of your life. Unfortunately, many women will never admit it. You meet them with the most arrogant ass out there, and they would firmly tell you that it is indeed love. You meet them with uncouth pigs, illiterates, good for nothing human beings, and they would say, it is love. You scratch your head in wonder...how can she be with him?
I'll tell you now, its PENIS!
Penis can be a bait. Men know it and they use it as such. Some will give it you, all the time...now you are hooked. You spend more and more time together...he is over all the time, you tell your friends you are in love. Others would give it to you, sparingly if I might add, but just enough for you to want more...so you think you "miss" him...Oh baby, I miss you...you don't miss him you fool! You miss how you feel when you have sex! You feel...LOVED. And that, dear ladies, is the bait. Penis has the ability to make you feel loved, when the reality is, its just PENIS! To put it in you, they have to do all that "touchy feely" stuff, so you would allow them grind away...Oh women!
Anyway, was happy to read a man's take on a subject which I think many women have to acknowledge...smell the dick...its just dick...
P.S: I forgot to add, all those church virgins rushing to marry after a brief "courtship", y'all know why y'all be rushing like the apocalypse was tomorrow, its not cos you are so in love, its cos you want the forbidden apple...SEX! You can't wait to get it in you...passions are on overdrive...God knows how long you both can keep fornication out...so marraige it is!
I'll tell you now, its PENIS!
Penis can be a bait. Men know it and they use it as such. Some will give it you, all the time...now you are hooked. You spend more and more time together...he is over all the time, you tell your friends you are in love. Others would give it to you, sparingly if I might add, but just enough for you to want more...so you think you "miss" him...Oh baby, I miss you...you don't miss him you fool! You miss how you feel when you have sex! You feel...LOVED. And that, dear ladies, is the bait. Penis has the ability to make you feel loved, when the reality is, its just PENIS! To put it in you, they have to do all that "touchy feely" stuff, so you would allow them grind away...Oh women!
Anyway, was happy to read a man's take on a subject which I think many women have to acknowledge...smell the dick...its just dick...
P.S: I forgot to add, all those church virgins rushing to marry after a brief "courtship", y'all know why y'all be rushing like the apocalypse was tomorrow, its not cos you are so in love, its cos you want the forbidden apple...SEX! You can't wait to get it in you...passions are on overdrive...God knows how long you both can keep fornication out...so marraige it is!
Thursday, October 8, 2009
Who the hell books three appointments in three different clinics on the same day???? Apparently, I do! Just found out I have an appointment with the Gyno, then I have to race across town to my dentist and then I have to go to a fucking eye specialist cos my normal optician will not give me my new glasses without some fancy eye check up which I haven't done(I have astigmatism and she thinks its getting worse, and she is right, I now use only lifts cos anytime I am on stairs, something is bound to happen) WHO, BOOKS THREE APPOINTMENTS??? I must have been drunk, asleep or plain tired. I have to go....jeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeez.
Saturday, October 3, 2009
This is for my friend who says she is bored out of her skull at work cos I do not update my blog regularly...she would like me to write everyday, so she gets some sort of stimulation at work. But you see, if I write everyday, the posts would be like this...short and dry. Not much of a stimulation now, is it? But here you go, I am at work...drinking tea. I am wondering what I can eat for breakfast...a sandwich or a banana? and I left my bicycle at the station...I should ride it home...I can be so lazy sometimes...I need to get some sleep...I also need to cut my hair...I mean, trim the edges...they look like a lawn mower has been through them...I should also búy some pepper...God I have to go to the dentist...good thing is, I get to get high...thats at least something to look forward to...
see...most of the time, I am dry...that is, when I am not in a dark mood or happy, I am just dry...
Hope you had fun reading...lets see what tomorrow brings...
see...most of the time, I am dry...that is, when I am not in a dark mood or happy, I am just dry...
Hope you had fun reading...lets see what tomorrow brings...
Friday, October 2, 2009
Its October already???
My continous struggle with understanding life continues. I hardly smelt the grass and now its all gone. I went shopping with a friend of mine, and as she tried the clothes, we could not help but wonder if she indeed needed so many clothes. We both came to the conclusion that while it was really unnecessary, one has to look good enough to fit in society. Hey...thats what its all about isn't? Wearing clothes that people would at least respect you in. Nobody likes a loafer. Yeah, we bought the damn clothes and felt guilty afterwards. I have been living almost in seclusion with just books. A friend of mine thinks I should be banned from buying more books, I buy books the way girls in London shop for clothes. Twice a week or more, and it does not help that there is a book store right next to the platform where I take my train...it does not help at all. I need to buy more clothes. Spend money on underwear and girly stuff, but I don't. I dont feel too good this morning as I am preparing for work. A good friend of mine just called. One of his best friends is dead. He committed suicide. "But he just had a baby!" I screamed. Screaming does not help, he is gone and my friend is in pieces. I don't understand many things in the world. He was a good guy. Met him so many times in dinner parties, christmas parties, new year's and any other occasion that my friend had...I am trying to remember him now...and I can see him smiling. I don't know why he did it but I understand. Sometimes the grass goes away and you never even smelt it. I hope he is in peace now.
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