Saturday, February 20, 2010

Creativity...just thinking...

What makes you wanna create? Colours, music, sights, sound? What is it that inspires you to "create? I love listening to music, especially lyrics of songs, I enjoy poetry...I enjoy looking at people's faces and imagining what they are thinking, and recently, I have been expressing myself in colours...

Do we analyse ourselves too much when we create? "Now I am a writer", I shall write something..."Now I am a poet"..."Now I am a leader of a creative project"? Do we see ourselves in roles?

Or do we see ourselves taking part in something bigger than us?

Or perhaps we see ourselves contributing to something?

Where does the need to create come from? I wanna do a video, I want to take pictures, I want to write a many things to do...

Why is there always that "need" to do something?

Must it be beautiful or can it be ugly? Must it be something everybody can see? or is just for ourselves?

Do we create out of desperation to see what we want to see? Read what we like to read? Make the music we would love to hear?

Is this a selfish feeling? always wanting to do something?

Where does this need to create come from?

Its a strange thing...having all this "need" in your blood....

I need to do this, I need to do that...

Open space, let it flow, between heaven and earth, you can go as far as you want...

I don't know...just thinking...

Or I have gone slightly mad...


Myne said...

Aren't most creative people slightly mad? I write because I want to put my thoughts straight, complete that story in my head, and if possible let others enjoy. Some of my poems however, are private and are cathartic.

7 said...

Hi Waffy,

Just an ex-blogger cruising thru blogworld. I continue to enjoy your posts, your honesty and willingess to delve beneath the surface are insightful ...I commented in the past on your pics of the deer after I saw a couple in my neighborhood. I also kinda got over-emo on you once and sent an email worried about your state of mind. Just dropping by to say you are well!

Ebony aka Ola

Unknown said...

i am creative
and can sometimes get spacy
i believe that i make the rules
i live by.
Jesus keeps me in line sha
so i am not lawless.

Tai -Osagbemi Boma said...

TO create is what gives us the closest feeling of what God does, i think .... and u probably are slightly *** but all join sha(no mind me)