Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Another "tired" day...

I have been very tired lately. Which reminds me of my terrible winter when that nasty bacterial infection caused chronic fatigue. It was the most terrible thing I have every experienced. But let me not think about that...

I am having my period and feeling very uncomfortable and disgusted with myself and everything around me. I have had a shower twice today already.

I am just irritated.

Maybe I am just tired because I have been travelling a lot around the city lately. I often have to change buses, trains...almost everyday. Sometimes I miss the bus then I have to walk and then miss my next connection etc etc... Maybe that's whats got me so beat. I don't know. In fact, looking back at all the places I have been last week and how many times, I seriously don't know how I manage. I just block my mind and get into robot mode if not, I'd feel sorry for myself.

I can't stand my hair especially. It looks frizzy and dead.

I wore ear rings today to try and feel better but it just felt like dead weight on my ears so I removed them.

I hope its just cos of my hormones cos I really feel like crap. I don't feel sick though...

Just irritated and disgusted...

My friend once told me about a beautiful sunny day, when she and her guy were walking in a beautiful park, and in the moment of beauty, they stopped and kissed...

and an old woman sitting on a bench nearby squeezed her face and almost spat out the word DISGUSTING!

I feel like I could be that old woman today...


Myne said...

I'mm thinking it's just the hormones. Hope it passes soon. Take care.

tolla said...

i think all you need is few days off take a break to kill stress and enjoy yourself