Saturday, October 9, 2010

Sshhhhhhhhhhh! I have a crush!

Is this blog fast becoming a journal of my love life or what? How boring! However, what can one do? It is what it is. I have a crush! It is childish and stupid and I should really purge my soul of this nonsense. However,I am living a very unhealthy world of fantasy and dreaming. It is terrible. And speaking of terrible, I just told another "potential lover" these two sad words "Fuck you!". This man, had the guts to compare me to some ex lover! HOW DARE HE? but that is not the worst part, the worst part, is that this ex lover is apparently dead. Now, who would want to be in competition with a dead perfect lover? The whole thing was freaking me out, so I did the first thing that came to my mind. I said "fuck you" and hung up the phone. It was terrible. I just did not know how to react. I don't know if he expected me to be sympathtic, but I just could not deal with it. Apparently, the perfect dead woman was the best person on earth, always understanding and never questioned him. Chineke, God of Africa and how on earth is that my business? The funny part of this amazing story, is that I had no idea he was talking about a dead woman, so when he finished his comparison, of me, being "questioning" while DW was so understanding, all I said was "well, if she is so perfect then why are you not with her then?" and he yelled "cos she is dead!". I was shocked at first but then I said "so are you comparing me with her???" and he said "Yes, cos if only you would be as understanding as she was, maybe we would understand each other", so I said "fuck you" and hung up. Who has time for all that psycho drama? So back to my crush. Please God let him notice me, please....


joicee said...

lmao...Na wa for you oh! really are a rebel.

wishing u all the best concerning this new crush.

Myne said...

Crushes are the sweetest right? Enjoy it now, sometimes getting the person diminishes it all..

Waffarian said...

@Joicee and Myne: Ah! Nothing will come of this crush of course! I am simply enjoying the fantasy...