Thursday, November 25, 2010


I am very tired. When you give people a step, they always want a mile. I helped someone with a HUGE project. Seriously went out of my way to do it but made sure he understood that this is really what I can do. I do not have the time or energy for such. I did it but it was because he just kept at me and would not give me a damn break even though I told him a hundred times of the impossibility of doing it. But I did it. I gave everything I had, did my best. Worked on it like it was mine.

But now...he wants more. I have said I can't, its impossible. But he won't let up...texts, phone calls, all hours...okay send the damn thing and leave me alone.

Now he sent the damn thing...and I can't open the document because God knows what the hell this is...

I have called, sent texts, but he wont answer his phone because he does not want to hear NO for an answer, so he sends this shit and puts off his phone.

Its supposedly his deadline tomorrow and I have to feel so bad that I stay up all night working on something that is not my problem?

Why are human beings so incredibly selfish?

I am going to bed. He will do what he has to do when he sees his text. We all gotta do what we gotta do.

Whatever. Not my fucking problem.

UPDATE: People are incredible! After worrying like crazy not cos I could not do it but just to make sure HE KNOWS that I could NOT do it, imagine what this guys says when I finally reached him this morning! That he put his phone off because he was having headache and he went to bed...

I have a headache now...


HoneyDame said...

uh uh!!! you wanna be careful around such people! did you get paid for the work or are you in a relationship with said person? even if...
tread easy....but me i know o...i for done vex go sleep while I dey nack my head for you project for night...walai...infact... i rest my case!

Waffarian said...

@HoneyDame: He was supposed to pay oh...I no know am from Adam, it was a friend that had recommended me to the person. But you feel my pain...thanks jare!